Monday 9 May 2011

Hello, how are you?

So, this could be interesting. I am in the mood to type a lot, really fast, but at the moment I have fake nails on, making typing extremely difficult. Well, here goes.

Hello my lovelies! How goes it where you are?
I feel like a lot has been happening around here, but now that I look back on it, that's not necessarily true... For the last few months I have been spending a whole lot of time in the Lodge, hanging out with my beautiful friends every afternoon and night. It has been amazing to finally have really close friends that I can share my life with :-D I've missed that sooo much for the past few years.
Sadly though, about two weeks ago one of my best friends, Nathan, had to go back to California. That has really sucked, and I miss him to bits.
I have been pretty stressed lately about some personal things that I'm working out with God, and have consequently been becoming my old hermit self again - Ah! This is not good. So I'm trying to get past that as well. Really just working through a whole lot lately,...
So yeah. What has you month been like so far? I want to catch up with everyone, so please write me :-) Adieu for now m'dears. Another time...
