Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Umm.... I'm cold!!

This place is SO beautiful, but since it's an old building, it is FLIPPING FREEZING!

     We have all started taking our hot water bottles with us to class, and refilling them between every session. I literally wear three layers of clothing all day, everyday. I am used to it being frigid outside, but not THIS cold inside! Ahhh, so cold.

    I suppose though, that I shouldn't complain - we have it pretty good. - One of the staff told us the other day, about how when she did her DTS here in the 70's they would only turn the heat on for two hours every day, and twice a week they were given a jug of hot water to wash their hairs with. She also said that they had to set a rota in the girls room, of who would get up 9in the middle of the night to flush the toilet, so that when they got up in the morning it wasn't frozen solid... Okay yeah, we have it pretty good.
     But nonetheless, I wouldn't mind being able to feel my fingers some of the time!

The weather has actually been getting better these last few says though, and I am so looking forward to a sunny spring!



Kaeli said...

Haha! Abbey! Maybe you could feel your fingers if you didn't make only fingerless gloves:-). Hermoine told us that when she did SBS at TKL people would come to class in sleeping bags because it was so cold. It was cold when I did SBS but NOT like that! And then they insulated the roof above the classroom, and for the rest of the winter we had the windows open. All I can say in your case is yay for hot water bottles...

Susan Joyce said...

Oh Abs, I should have bought you several hot water bottles and you could have knit them into a jumper for class! How many do you have? It's great throwing several into the bed before you get in and then it feels like you have an electric blanket! Miss you and I'm so thrilled you are having an incredible time!

Unknown said...

Hee hee... I'd forgotten about the Holmsted cold! We didn't hang out upstairs much when it was cold- the underground was much more toasty :) Does that room still exist?