Wow, I can't believe that. It seems like two things, like I have been here foreeever and this is just where I have always been, AND contrastingly, like I just got here, and that that much time couldn't possibly have passed yet.
I cannot believe that the first week of lectures is over! What the heck!
This week's teaching was called Jesus and the Cross, and Giving up Rights. Our guest speaker was Pete Thompson from England,who lives in S. Africa. For the first few days a lot of us had a hard time catching what he was trying to get across to us, because he had a very African way of teaching, that didn't really make sense to us. The 3rd and 4th days though, were a lot more structured, so I think a lot of us got a lot more out of it. Along with the main subject, he talked on forgiveness and hearing God's voice. The talk on forgiveness in particular was really good. He outlined what forgiveness is, and what it isn't. I've never heard anyone teach it like that, and it was really helpful.
This week it has been three different people on the teams birthdays! So funny. We are having a party tonight, for everyone whose birthday is in January. Should be exciting. Tomorrow, we are going to Londonnn! Whoo! We are going to celebrate Chinese New Year in China Town! We also decided that since we will already be in London on a Sunday we might as well go to a service at Hillsong.
You know what? You don't realize how freeing it is to have your own kitchen until you no longer have one. I have been DYING to bake alll week, but alas, I cannot. I want to make cupcakes. Muchly.
Anyhow, how is life where you are? Missing you all!
Make friends with the cook! One time I got them to let me, Paul Hollinshead, and two other friends make a ginormous batch of cookies to give out to everyone :) It was crazy, but wonderful :)
Panic at not being able to bake = SBS at TKL!! Oh man...and I even had my family's kitchen to bake in, poor students who didn't have even that! Love you Abbey!!!!!!!!!!
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