I have a theory. Everyone is taking life too seriously. Okay, not life necessarily, but the situations we are in. Like, the Kings Lodge. (don't be offended pleease, especially if you live at the Lodge - I am just making suggestions about life, the universe and everything - these are only my opinions, so If you think what I am saying is wrong, please don't decided to hate me, dislike me, detest me, loathe me, hang me, stab me or kill me in any way shape or fashion. Ok, so what I'm saying is not THAT controversial, I just feel the need to be ever over-dramatic) But here's the thing.

Let's mix it up a bit. Colour, design, beauty, creativity. That's what I'm talking about. And not being afraid of those things. I have a feeling that to anyone else, nothing I have said so far will make any sense. Let me see if I can separate my thoughts a little bit better... So we live in a big building all together (TKL is only an example, so I don't necessarily mean all of this about TKL in particular). This building is an old school house, and is now a YWAM base and training school. It IS a school, I do understand, and thus a somewhat public area, but. does it need to be stiff? Do we HAVE to have monotone colours and muted carpets? Does all the art on the walls have to be very serious, unobtrusive, not invading of your eye space in any way? Can't we add more... life? Like... colour! It's a very simple thing, but it makes SO much difference. Nice colours... bright colours. It can add so much to a building, and to life.
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