Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Monday, 27 June 2011

Life. Stern? Somber? Uproarious? Colourful?

I have a theory. Everyone is taking life too seriously. Okay, not life necessarily, but the situations we are in. Like, the Kings Lodge. (don't be offended pleease, especially if you live at the Lodge - I am just making suggestions about life, the universe and everything - these are only my opinions, so If you think what I am saying is wrong, please don't decided to hate me, dislike me, detest me, loathe me, hang me, stab me or kill me in any way shape or fashion. Ok, so what I'm saying is not THAT controversial, I just feel the need to be ever over-dramatic) But here's the thing.

Let's mix it up a bit. Colour, design, beauty, creativity. That's what I'm talking about. And not being afraid of those things. I have a feeling that to anyone else, nothing I have said so far will make any sense. Let me see if I can separate my thoughts a little bit better... So we live in a big building all together (TKL is only an example, so I don't necessarily mean all of this about TKL in particular). This building is an old school house, and is now a YWAM base and training school. It IS a school, I do understand, and thus a somewhat public area, but. does it need to be stiff? Do we HAVE to have monotone colours and muted carpets? Does all the art on the walls have to be very serious, unobtrusive, not invading of your eye space in any way? Can't we add more... life? Like... colour! It's a very simple thing, but it makes SO much difference. Nice colours... bright colours. It can add so much to a building, and to life.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Katherine Kaeli

I am fairly certain that my sister Kaeli is one of the cutest things on the planet!

She is way too adorable!

I Have The Most Normal Family on the Planet

My siblings and I are really very normal. You can tell from looking through these pictures of us, that we don't appreciate silliness, and much prefer people to stick to the serious way life should actually be.

very few of these pictures were posed....

I love my siblings to bits :-D We have way too much fun together!

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The Spindle Song

I am soo in love with this poem right now :-) I came across it in a beautiful old copy of Scott's poetry that I found at a used book shop here... It's called The Spindle Song.

Twist ye, twine ye! even so
Mingle shades of joy and woe,
Hope and fear, and peace, and strife,
In the thread of human life.

While the mystic twist is spinning,
And the infant's life beginning,
Dimly seem though twilight bending,
Lo, what varied shapes attending!

Passions wild, and follies vain,
Pleasures soon exchanged for pain;
Doubt, and jealousy, and fear,
In the magic dance appear.

Now they wax, and now they dwindle,
Whirling with the whirling spindle.
Twist ye, twine ye! even so
Mingle human bliss and woe.

-Sir Walter Scott

Thursday, 2 June 2011

My Beautiful Week

This week has been epically fantastic, if not tremendously exhausting.
I went to a Wildfire (part of Kings Kids) weekend up in Cornwall with my parents and some of my friends from the Lodge. There were about 70 of us there, the girls sleeping inside and the boys outside in tents.
It's always fun having only one shower for 70 people.

I actually can't even believe how amazingly stunning Cornwall is. The rolling hills and endless forests constantly took my breath away. In a town we went to several times, Looe, there is this little confined walking path, that is like a little splinter of heaven. The walls of it were earth, covered in every kind of green and living thing native to England. There were masses of ferns and ivy; mosses and little flowers were creeping up it in their search to find the sun... The sky was hidden by the boughs of trees that protected it from unwanted eyes.
In short, I was thunderstruck by the sheer beauty of the land that surrounded me.
The midlands where I live, are practically planes. The ground is so utterly horizontal that from our flat you can see the town a mile away.
I've been feeling so deprived of any sort of natural elevation, I've been longing for just a glimpse of a cloud reaching-peak or a grassy hillside... And, as I have said, my wishes were fulfilled this weekend :-)

But yes, the camp. It was a really good time to come together with youth from around the UK, make new friends, worship God and do some outreach in the local area. I definitely needed some time to get away from the routine here at the lodge to re-connect with God and get closer to my friends.
I've recently found out that I actually can't function right unless I have close friends, that I know won't leave me anytime soon. I was starting to fall apart at the seams when all of my friends were on DTS, and left we within two months of becoming my friend. I actually cannot handle losing people I love so often.
I need to write a full blog about my friends here, and bit of a transition I am going through in my mind right now, that will seriously effect my thoughts on my entire life.
But at the moment I need to do other things... So adieu :-) Have the loveliest day you have ever had in your entire life.
